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SUbject:       Filling     up    of    the     posts     of    Professor      &    HOD/Associate Professor/Assistant    Professor(s)    in the  School  of  Architectures     in Higher          Education     Department,     Union   Territory      of   Jammu    & Kashmir.


Reference:      Higher Education Department's Letter No. HED-GAZ/85/2022-04 Dated 13.04.2022

Notification  No: f ~    ·  PSC (DR·P) OF 2022

Dated:   or ·06·2022

Applications, through online mode, are invited from the applicants who are domiciled  in the  Union  Territory  of  Jammu  &  Kashmir,  possessing  the  prescribed academic   professional    qualification   and   age,   for   the   post   of   Professor      & HOD/Associate    Professor/Assistant      Professor(s)    in the  School  of Architecture

in Higher  Education  Department,   in terms of  Government Order No. 02-HE of 2018 dated 01-01-2018, issued by Higher Education Department, "Jammu & Kashmir Probationer (Conduct of Service, Pay & Allowance) and Fixation of Tenure Rules, 2020" notified vide S.O. 192 of 2020 dated:  17.06.2020 and the Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (Business and Procedure) Rules, 2021.

Note: "One  Time"  age relaxation"  shall be granted  to the over aged candidates  who had  earlier   applied   for  these  posts  and  were  within   the  age  limit,  as  per  the advertisement   Notification  issued at the time but  have in the meantime  crossed the upper             age  limit,   if  he/she  applies   for   the  said   post(s)   in  pursuance    to  fresh notification  and also need not to pay any fee afresh.

5. Reservation

i)    A  candidate  seeking  his/her  consideration  under  a  Reserved  Category  must ensure that he/she possesses a valid requisite Category certificate on the cut-off date.

ii)   The candidature will be provisional till the genuineness of the reserved category

certificate is verified by the Appointing Authority.

iii) Candidates may note that in case a claim for reservation is made on the basis of false/fake/fraudulent certificate, he/she shall be debarred from participation in the selection process conducted by the J&K Public Service Commission, in addition to any other penal action as may be deemed appropriate.


6.  Domicile

The candidate should be a Domicile of the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. The candidate must possess  the Domicile  Certificate  issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format as on the last date prescribed for submission of online application 

7.  Requisite Fee

After successful submission of the online application form, candidate will be required to deposit requisite fee through online mode. The amount of fee to be

paid is given below:

General  Category Reserved  Categories PHC Candidates

=          Rs.I000.00

=        Rs.SOO.OO

=        Nil.


1.    The application Form submitted without deposition of the fee, which gets substantiated through reflection of the same on the application form, such application form shall be treated as incomplete and candidature shall be deemed to have been rejected without any notice. No representation against such rejection shall be entertained.

1.     Submission of multiple applications by way of prefixing Mr/Ms or through generation of multiple User ID's or any other mode, followed

by  either  non-payment   of  fee  particulars   or  fee  particulars   (TID)  of one  application   (RID)  being  mentioned   against   another   application with  a different  RID would  lead to rejection  of the online  application. The  applicants  who  are  submitting  multiple  application should  note that  only  the  applications   with  higher  Registration   ID  (RID)  number shall be entertained  by the Commission   and fee paid  against  one RID shall not be adjusted against any other RID number. Besides strict disciplinary    action   shall   be   taken   including    the   cancellation    of candidature   and debarment  for future  examinations   of J&K PSC  will be taken against  such applicants.

8. Scheme of Selection/Criteria

The selection  shall  be  made  in accordance   with  the  provisions   laid down  in the

Jammu  and  Kashmir  Public  Service  Commission   (Business   & Procedure)   Rules,

2021.   Candidates   are  advised   to  acquaint   themselves    with  the   Provisions   of Rule   45   (i)  of Jammu   and   Kashmir   Public  Service   Commission   (Business   & Procedure)   Rules, 2021


9.  Guidelines  given  below  shall  be  followed  while  assessing  candidate's   special attributes  etc. claimed by them under this rule:

a)  the  weightage   available  for  the  Gold  Medals(s)   is  for  securmg  the  overall  first position in the minimum prescribed qualification;

b) The weightage for original Research material published in the academic journals mentioned in sub-rule I (iii) and 2(d)(i) shall be subject to the following conditions:

1.          The   criteria   for  journal   shall  be  that   it  should   be   specialty  journal recognized in the UGC-CARE  list.

11.       The   assessment   of  the   publications   shall   be   made   by  the  Expert(s) dependent  upon the quality, impact factor and extent of contribution  of the candidate as, first, second and corresponding  author.

lll.        Posters,  case  reports,  abstracts  and  popular  articles  shall  not  count  for weightage.

IV.                                  The  research  article  must  have  been  published  before  the  cut-off  date as determined  under   Rule   19.  Manuscripts   accepted    unconditionally   for publication  before the cut-off date shall be granted  weightage,  if otherwise, fit for such consideration.

v.      The publication/research  article should be discipline  specific and related to

the subject of which the interview is being held.

c)  credit  for  books  published  by  the  candidate  shall  be  only  for  such  books  aare assessed by the expert to be relevant to the subject and of a level where the book can be accepted  as a reference  material at least at the level of the minimum  qualification for the post;


d)  Foreign  degree  shall  only  be  entertained   if  equivalence   certificate   is  issued  by

Association ofIndian  Universities (AIU) and submitted by the candidate;

e)  In the interview, the candidates will be asked questions on matters of general interest and matters related to the post for which he is interviewed. The object of the interview is to assess the personal suitability of the candidate for a career in public service. The interview test is intended to judge  the mental caliber of a candidate.  In broad terms, this  is really  an assessment  of not only his/her  intellectual  qualities  but also social traits  and his/her  interest  in current  affairs.  Some  of the  qualities  to be judged  are mental alertness, critical powers of assimilation,  clear and logical exposition, balance of judgment,  variety and depth of interest, ability for social cohesion  and leadership, intellectual and moral integrity

       10.     Important     instructions      regarding        filling     up     of     online     applications are given herein below:


a)  Candidates  are required to apply online through the website of the Commission i.e.    No  other  means/  mode  of  application   shall  be accepted.


b)  Candidates  are first required to go to the JKPSC website www.jkpsc.nic.i and click on the link "One  Time Registration or click on Login menu if you have already created your profile with the JK PSC.


c)  After logging  into your account, candidates  are required  to fill all the requisite fields of One Time Registration (OTR) i.e. personal information, contact information  & educational  qualification,  service details etc.


d)  The candidate shall also be required to upload the image of date stamped recent passport  size color  photograph  and  signature.  The  photograph  should  not  be taken earlier than 01.01.2022.


e)  Size of the photograph  (passport  size) and signature  must be between  lOkB to

20kB in * .jpeg or * .jpg only.


f)   After  successful  submission  of all the details in your OTR account,  check the eligibility  conditions   as  mentioned   in  the  advertisement   notification   before applying for the post.


g)  On  Clickin on  the  "show   examination"   a  window   will  appear  on  your computer  screen.  Select the month of the advertisement  notification  for which you want to apply, a link(s) for the post(s) will appear on the computer screen.


h)  An "APPLY"  button  is shown  against  the respective  post  and the candidates will click on the APPLY button against the post he/she is eligible.


i)   On clicking  "APPLY"  button,  an instruction  window  will  appear.  Candidates should  read  instructions  carefully  before  clicking  on "APPLY"  button  at the bottom of the webpage.


j)    On clicking "APPLY"  button, the system will display all facts/particulars  that a candidate  may have mentioned  while  filling up the necessary  fields of his/her OTR  account.  Candidate   shall  fill  up  the  remaining   required  fields  in  the application  form and accept the declaration thereof.


k)  Once  the  candidate  is satisfied  about  the  correctness  of the  filled  in details, then, he or she may  click on "SUBMIT"  button  to finally push  the data into server with successful submission report.


1)  On successful  submission  of the basic details, the candidates will be required to pay the online fee and uploading  of the documents,  for final submission  of the online application  form.


m) Candidates  can pay the requisite fee through online mode in the "SUBMITTED APPLICATIONS"  menu in your account.


n)  After  successful  payment  of the  fee, the  fee  status  will  get  reflected  on the Online Application  form. Candidates can check the fee status by clicking on the Print Application  Button  in the submitted  Applications  menu  in your JKPSC account.  In  case  the  payment  status  shows  either  "not  submitted  or  under processing  or status has not been reflected on your submitted application form", candidates(s)  are  advised  to  contact  the  JKPSC  office  at  Solina Srinagar/Resharn   Ghar  Colony  Jammu  immediately  for  clarification.  Further where the online fee is paid through other service providers  the candidate must ensure  that not  only the  amount  of fee is debited  from his/service  provider'S Account but also credited into the official account of JKPSC.


0)  After  successful  submission  of fee, the  candidates  will be required  to upload requisite documents  as specified in the advertisement/application   form.

p)  The candidate  would  be able get the printout  of his/her  submitted  application only   after   the   payment   of  the   requisite   fee   and   uploading   of  requisite documents.


q)  Please note that the above procedure  is the only valid procedure  for applying.

No other mode of application  or incomplete  steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected.


11.      Editing of the online application form

Candidates  who have successfully  submitted the online  application  form along with requisite  fee  will  be  allowed  to  edit  some  of the  fields  in  their  submitted  online application     form    within     three     days    after     the    cut-off     date     i.e.    from

06-07-2022  to 08-07-2022.  Detailed  instruction  in this regard will be made available on the website.


12.      Action against  candidates found guilty of misconduct

Candidates  are advised  not to furnish any particulars  that  are false or suppress any material information.


A candidate who is, or has been, declared by the Commissionto be guilty of:


i.  obtaining by wrongful support his/her candidature by any means, or

11.  impersonating,  or

lll procuring impersonation  by any person, or

IV.    submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with or v.  making   statements   which   are   incorrect or   false   or   suppressing   material

information,  or

VI.    resorting  to  any  other  irregular  or  improper  means  in  connection  with  his/her candidature for the selection, or

VII.    using unfair means during the interview, or

Vlll.   misbehaving  in any other manner in the interview, or

IX.   harassing  or doing bodily harm to the staff employed  by the commission  for the conduct of their test, or

x.  attempting  to commit  or , as the case may be, abetting the commission  of all or

any of the acts specified in the foregoing clauses may, in addition to the specified actions given below render the candidate liable to criminal prosecution.


(a) to be disqualified  by the Commission  from selection  for which he/she is a candidate,  and/or

(b) to be debarred either permanently  or for a specified period:­ (i)   By the Commission  from any selection held by them.

(ii) By the Union  Territory  Government  from  any  employment  under them, and

(c) if he/she is already in service under Government,  disciplinary action can be taken against his/her under the appropriate ru

(Bashir  Ahmad  D


No: PSCDR-HE/GCET/2020/03

Copy to the: -

J&K Public  Service  Commission

Dated:    0 ;:06.2022

1 Principal    Secretary    to   the   Government,     Higher    Education    Department,    Civil

Secretariat,  J &K

2.    Director,  Information  Department  J&K. He is requested  to publish  the Notification  in all  the  leading   local   dailies   of  the  Union   Territory   of  J&K,   for  at  least  three consecutive  days.

3.    General  Manager,  Govt. Press,  JammulKashmir   for publication   of Notification   in the next issue of Govt. Gazette.

4.    Deputy  Secretary  (DR), J&K Public  Service Commission  for information.

5 P.S.  to Member

..                      Member.

----------------       -- , J&K  PSC  for  information   of Hon'ble

6 P.A. to Secretary, J&K Public Service Commission.

7 In  charge website, J&K Public Service Commission for uploading of the Notification

•       on the website.

8 In  charge Camp Office, Srinagar for pasting the notice on the notice board.

9.   Notice Board, J&K Public Service Commission, Srinagar/Jammu.

10. Stock file/Main file.

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