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Notification for engagement of I.T.I passed Apprentices under Apprentices Act, 1961
Applications are invited in the prescribed format from the ITI passed ( Passed Out ITI during 2019.2020,2021
& 2022 Only) candidates in the trades mentioned herein below for Apprentice Training under Apprentice Act, 1961 at Dibang Multipurpose Project, Roing, a Unit of NHPC Limited (A Govt. of India Enterprise), A Mini Ratna Category-I, Public Sector Undertaking, for the session 2023-24:
1. Eligibility:
A)The applicant should have passed ITI examination from a recognized institution in the respective trade as
per Apprentice Act, 1961. Result awaited candidates need not to apply.
B) Candidates should be eligible with respect to age criteria and educational qualification as per this notification.
C) The candidates who have acquired prior training /experience for one year & more and the candidates who have absconded previous apprenticeship training are not eligible to apply under this Notification.
2. Stipend: During the training period stipend will be paid 7,700/ per month as per Apprentice Act and
/or as per Notification of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India, New Delhi
as amended from time to time. The Apprentices will not be eligible for any other allowance or benefits. Stipend shall be paid through bank account only/ECS.
3. Preference will be given as under:
A) First preference will be given to the Children of the people of PAF.
B) Second preference will be given to the Children of areas/districts of PAF.
C) Third preference will be given to the Children of other districts of Arunachal Pradesh.
4.Employment in NHPC: Candidates shall have no claim whatsoever as to any extension of training and /or employment in NHPC Limited.
5.Training Duration: As prescribed under the Apprentice Act for designated trade (Minimum 01 year).
6.How to Apply:
A) The candidate must have a valid Aadhar Number, Mobile Number & Email ID before applying for
Apprenticeship. ITI Passed candidates should register themselves on Apprenticeship portal at and then apply against the relevant vacancies created by this
Office (Establishment ID: E01231200001. Candidates may refer the Help Manual available in the
B) The candidates have to take print out of registration/applied a portal and send along with all self-
attested certificates of Educational qualification, mark sheets and certificates. Domicile Certificate, Document certifying member of Project Affected Family (PAF), Copt of Aadhar Card, Pan Card etc at the below mentioned address by Speed post/Registered post/ By- hand 20.03.2023 (5:00pm):
7. Reservation:
Gr. Sr. Manager (HR), Dibang Multipurpose Project, Mayu
Sector-1, PO-Roing, Lower Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh-
Reservation of seats will be as per the provisions of Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and the rules framed thereunder as amended till date.
8 Other Conditions:
A) Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification.
B) The above mentioned seats may increase or decrease as per the requirement of Project.
C) The Management reserves the right to reject any application or modify the process/cancel the entire notification or part thereof without assigning any reason.
D) The selected candidates will not be provided with any accommodation ( or any other facility). They will have to make their own arrangements for their stay and transportation during the training period.
E) Queries, if any may be addressed to the mail ID: hr-dibang
Applicants should clearly note that Dibang Multipurpose Project, a unit of NHPC Limited will in no case be
responsible for rejection of application on account of application being incomplete, non- submission of application, registration on portal or any delay in receipt thereof on any account whatsoever. The candidates will solely be responsible for the same.
9.Selection criteria:
A) The eligible candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of merit list prepared on the basis of marks secured
in Academic Qualifications (8th or 10th or highest qualification as applicable for respective trade) and ITI. The
shortlisted Candidate can be called for interview if required. The list of selected candidates will also be
uploaded on the website of NHPC Limited i.e.
B) If candidates called for interview then No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the
1)The selected candidates will be informed through portal of apprentice/email.
2) The candidates shortlisted shall have to produce all original testimonials/certificates such as
educational certificates, Mark sheets, technical/professional certificates, caste certificate, domicile, Aadhar Card, Pan Card, Bank Accounts, Document certifying member of Project Affected Family (PAF) if applicable etc at the time of verification. In case any information/claim made by the applicant shall be concealed and he/she shall be liable for penal action as prescribed under relevant rules.
3) The candidate will have to submit medical fitness certificate issued by the competent authority
(Civil Surgeon/CMO of concerned District) at the time of joining as per clause 4 of the
Apprenticeship Rules 1992 and amendments thereof if any.
4) The selection and deployment of apprentices will be subject to detailed provisions of Apprentices
Act, 1961.
17.Caste Category (GEN/SC/ST/OBC/EWS)-
18.PWDs (YES/NO)-
19.Type of PWD and Percentage (If Yes).
20.Earlier undergone apprenticeship training (YES/NO)- If Yes give details: ....................
21.Any court case or convicted in any criminal activity (Yes/No):----------
22.Number of Enclosures--------------
I do hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in event of any particular or information given above being false or incorrect, my candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of the training.
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