Recruitment of various post in KIRKEE CANTONMENT BOARD

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17, Field Marshall Carriappa Marg, Kirkee, Pune – 411003

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No.27/1/Recruitment/P-8                                                                              Date : 22 June 2022

Application in the prescribed  format are invited from eligible candidates for direct recruitment to the post of  (1) Asstt.Engineer, (2) Jr.Engineer, (3) Draughtsman, (4) Electrician & (5) Staff Nurse in the office of the Kirkee Cantonment Board.

2.        Candidates must clearly mention   ” Application for the Post of   “-------“      on the top of the envelope while sending the application form.  Candidates applying for more than one post shall submit separate application for each post. The last date for receipt of application is 15/08/2022 upto 1700 hours.  For  candidates  residing  in  Assam,  Meghalaya,  Manipur,  Arunachal  Pradesh,  Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi (Sub -Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh), Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands are given Two weeks extra time to submit the application, i.e upto 29/08/2022 upto 1700 hours.

Description of Post :-

3.       Age relaxations for various categories will be as under:-
(Age limit will be reckoned as on  15/08/2022 )
4.       Application Fee: Application fee will be Rs.300/- (non-refundable) for all candidates (Except for SC/ST, Ex-Serviceman,  widow/divorced/judicially separated women candidate, PH candidate, transgender and departmental candidate) to be paid through  Demand Draft in  favour of  “Chief Executive Officer, Cantonment Board Kirkee . Application fee once paid shall not be refunded   under  any   circumstances and will  not be used for any future recruitment process.
5.       Photocopy of the following document/certificates to be attached along with  Application duly self –attested:-
a)       Mark sheet of the essential educational qualification. b)       School Leaving Certificate for proof of Date of Birth.
c)       2 Self –addressed envelope duly affixed with Rs 30/-  postal stamp.
d) 3 latest passport size photograph duly attested by self on back side of photograph.
e) In Case of E-serviceman:- Discharge Certificate from service, service copy of Pension PPO and copy of Ex-serviceman Identity Card.
f)        In case of Widow/Divorced/Judicially separated woman, document of proof
to be submitted. Certificate regarding not ‘re-married’ also to be submitted. g)       Experience Certificate, if any.
h)       Photo copy of Caste Certificate, duly attested by self for reserved posts.
i)        Non-Creamy Layer Certificate (OBC)
ji)        Eligibility Certificate for candidate of Economically Weaker Section (EWS)
6.       Admit Card/Summon Letter:-Application will be scrutinized and admit card only for eligible candidates would be sent by post.
7.       Date, Time & Venue for conduct of Written Examination/Skill Test: - To be published on website.
(b)      Candidates should note that there will be penalty (negative marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the Objective Type Question Papers. There are four alternatives for the answers to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third (0.33) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happen to be correct and there will be same penalty as above for that question. If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
9.   Eligibility Criteria:-
a)       The candidate must be a citizen of India.
b) The candidate must fulfil the educational qualification, age and other requirements as mentioned in this advertisement.
c)        If there are two or more candidates in the same category having equal
marks in the examination, the candidate older in age will get preference.
d) Candidates who wish to be considered against reserved vacancies and/or to seek age relaxation, must be in possession of relevant certificates issued to
them by the competent /notified authority (in prescribed format required for
employment under Central Govt) on or before the closing date of application;
otherwise their claim for reservation shall be rejected.
e)       OBC candidates must be in possession of non-creamy layer certificate along with his/her Caste certificate issued on or before the closing date of application.
f)        The EWS candidates must be in possession of income and asset certificate issued by competent authority as per Govt rule,  on or before the closing date of application. (DoPT letter No. 36039/1/2019-Estt(Res) dated 31st January 2019)
10.   Syllabus for written Examination
The question paper shall be of 120 minutes duration of 120 marks co n s i s t i n g o f 120 questions of objective type :-

Syllabus of the examination :
a) General intelligence and reasoning will include both verbal and non-verbal reasoning.
b) General awareness will include history, culture, geography, economic science, General polity, Indian Constitution, Current Affairs, etc.
c) Numerical aptitude will test the knowledge of arithmetical concepts and their use in finding the solution of real-life problems.
d)         English Comprehension will test the candidate’s ability to understand correct
English, has basic comprehension and writing ability, etc. e)         Based on the respective Syllabus.
11.   General Information:-
a.  The services of the appointed candidate/person will be governed  under  Cantonment Board Employees Service Rules 2021,   Cantonments Act., 2006, CCS (Conduct) Rules and New Pension Scheme as amended from time to time by the Central Govt. as are applicable to employees of Cantonment Boards and rules as made applicable by Government and Cantonment Board from time to time.
b. The post is provisional for a period of 2 years (i.e. on probation) & thereafter permanent, if considered suitable by the Appointing Authority as per rules.
c.  The number of vacancies advertised is only approximate and is liable for modification including reduction with reference to vacancy position at any time before finalization of selection. 
d.  No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing for the Examination/ Skill test.
e.  Appointed candidate will be employee of the Cantonment Board, Kirkee and not of
Central Govt.
f. Department reserves the right to postpone/cancel/suspend/terminate the recruitment process without any prior notice/assigning any reason at any stage. No correspondence would be entertained in this regard.
g.  If there are two or more candidates in the same category having equal marks in the examination/ skill test, the person who is older in age get preference.
h.  Candidate  who  wishes  to  apply  for  more  than  one  post,  is  required  to  apply separately for each post.
i. The appointing authority reserves the right to reject the candidature of any ineligible candidate at any stage of recruitment.
j.   The  appointing  authority  shall  draw  a  reserve  panel/waiting  list  addition  to  the
number   of   candidates   selected   as   per   the   notified   vacancy.   The   reserve panel/waiting list shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of declaration of  result  and  the  vacancies  arising  due  to  non-acceptance  of  the  offer  to appointment, candidates not joining the post after acceptance of appointment or the candidates not being found eligible for appointment after verification of documents/certificates or due to resignation of selected candidates within one year of joining the post, the same shall be filled up from this reserve panel/waiting list. Being on such panel does not bestow any right for the appointment.
k.  The candidate should note that their admission to the examination will be purely provisional based on the information given by them in the Application Form. This will be subject to verification of all the eligibility conditions by the Competent Authority.
l. The final selection of the candidate is subject to the medical fitness certificate to be issued by the Medical Officer.
m. The  Candidates  applying  for  the  recruitment  should  ensure  that  they  fulfil  all
eligibility conditions for admission to recruitment. Their admission to all the stages of the  recruitment  will  be  purely  provisional  subject  to  satisfying  the  prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of Admit Card to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Cantonment Board Kirkee
n.  The Cantonment Board reserves the right to place reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for written test/skill test.
o. The Cantonment Board reserves the right not to fill up  the post advertised without assigning any reason.
p.   In case of any dispute, any sue or legal proceeding by or against the
Cantonment Board, Courts within whose local Jurisdiction, Headquarter of the 
Cantonment Board is situated shall have the Jurisdiction.
q.  Canvassing in any form may lead to cancellation of candidature.
r. The Cantonment Board shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted at any time,at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is found that any document submitted is fake or the candidate has clandestine
antecedents /background and has suppressed the said information, his/ her services shall be terminated forthwith.
s.   Applications sent through e-mail will not be entertained, only application sent through  Post  will be accepted.
t.  The appointing authority makes provisional selection of the candidates on the basis
of information provided in the application and document/certificates provided by the candidate at the time of scrutiny and subsequently , the appointing authority verifies and satisfies itself about the authenticity of documents/certificates and eligibility as per the recruitment rules before finally appointing the candidates. Therefore the provisional selection of a candidate confers on him/her no right of appointment unless the appointing authority is satisfied after such inquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respect for appointment to the post.
u. The candidates should have a valid email ID and a working mobile number for applyingfor the examination. The applicants are advised not to change the email ID or Mobile number during the process of recruitment. They are also advised not to give mobile number /email id of any unknown person to avoid any complication.
v. The applicant should visit website frequently to check any update regarding the examinations.
w.  Any doubts / clarifications regarding the application can be cleared from the office of the Cantonment Board, Kirkee on any working day between 11am to
5 pm.
x. Any corrigendum /changes/ clarification regarding the examination will only be notified through the website  and no other medium
of giving information to candidates will be incorporated.
y. All the applicants are required to be present well in advance at least 1 hour before commencement of Examination/ Skill test on the date & venue. Any delay in presence will be marked as absent.
z. The appointing authority reserves the right to cancel or modify the advertisement or 
part of it at any stage. The number of vacancy is provisional  and subject to change. aa. The appointing authority reserves the right to cancel a part of or entire process of
examination or a part of it due to administrative reasons(s) and in case of unfair means,cheating or other irregularities/malpractices noticed by the appoi nting authority. The appointing authority  also reserves the right to cancel or set up a new examination centre and divert the candidates to appear at that examination centre
if required.
bb.  Use of calculator, Laptop, Palmtop, other digital, electronic Instrumental /mobile
Cell phone, Paper etc. is not allowed. In case of any Candidate found to be in possession of any gadgets/instrument, he/she would be debarred from the examination and legal proceeding will be initiated against the candidates.
cc. The OMR Answer sheet and Question paper must be handed over to the invigilator after completion of examination as mentioned therein.
dd.  No candidate should misbehave in any manner or create a disorderly scene in the Examination Hall or harass the staff employed by the Board for the conduct of the examination. Any such misconduct will be severely viewed and penalised.
12.   Documents required from the shortlisted candidates :
After considering the merit list, the shortlisted candidates will be called for verification/ scrutiny  of  documents.  The  following  original  documents/certificates and one set of self –attested copies along with hard copy of Admit Card are to be  produced  at  that time.  The original  documents  as  mentioned  below  of  the shortlisted  candidates  will  be  checked  & verified at Cantonment.  Board  Office, Kirkee   Cantt and further, the appointing authority will undertake an exercise of verification  of  character  and  antecedents  of  the  Candidates. Photocopies  of following self-attested documents should accompany the application forms:-
a)  Application form duly signed by the candidate.
b)  Admit Card of the Candidate
c)  Certificate of date of birth/Matriculation Certificate
d)  Caste Certificate.
e)  Two latest coloured passport size Photographs.
f)    All the requisite Academic qualification with details of marks. 
It may be noted that document verification is just another stage in the selection process. Merely being called for Verification of documents does not indicate that his/her name will also appear in the final merit list. .Decision of the competent appointing authority would be final with regard to all matters connected with the recruitment including reserve of the right for cancellation of recruitment process at any stage and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
13.    Rejection.
The following acts/omission would render a candidate/application disqualified/rejected.
a.  Not meeting/Qualifying/Passing the    laid down Mandatory Educational
b.  Furnishing of false, inaccurate or tampered information.
c.  Obtaining support for his/her candidature through unfair means. d.  Impersonation by any person.
e.  Submitting fabricated/false documents.
f.   Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material
g.   Restoring to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his
Candidature for the selection.
h.   Improper/incomplete filling of application form. Applications which are incomplete in any respect, not accompanied by requisite photographs, signature or not properly filled are liable to be summarily rejected. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained by the Department.
i.    Recommendation of any kind will lead to disqualification for the post. j.    More than one application submitted for the same post.
14.   How to apply offline for the Posts :-
i) Candidates are required to apply Offline, i.e By Post/By Hand. No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
ii)          Candidate has to fill up their application in the Prescribed form only. No other form of application will be entertained. (For Application Form, visit our  website
iii)         Candidate will specifically mention the Name of the Post applied for in the Application Form as well as on the Envelope.
iv)         Photocopy of the following document/certificates to be attached along
with  Application duly self –attested:-
a)       Mark sheet of the essential educational qualification. b)       School Leaving Certificate for proof of Date of Birth.
c)       2 Self –addressed envelope duly affixed with Rs 30/-  postal stamp.
d) 3 latest passport size photograph duly attested by self on back side of photograph.
e)       In Case of E-serviceman:- Discharge Certificate from service, service copy
of Pension PPO and copy of Ex-serviceman Identity Card.
f)        In case of Widow/Divorced/Judicially separated woman, document of proof
to be submitted. Certificate regarding not ‘re-married’ also to be submitted. 
g)       Experience Certificate, if any.
h)       Photo copy of Caste Certificate, duly attested by self for reserved posts.
i)        Application  Fee   of   Rs.300/-   (non-refundable)   (Except   for   SC/ST,   Ex- Serviceman,      widow/divorced/judicially   separated   women   candidate   &
departmental candidate) to be paid through  Demand Draft in  favour of  “Chief
Executive Officer, Cantonment Board Kirkee .


1) The  decision  of  the  CEO,  Kirkee  Cantonment  Board  in  all  matters relating to acceptance or rejection of an application, eligibility/suitability of a candidate, etc shall be final and binding for all the candidates.
2)         After  the  examination,  details  regarding  marks  obtained  by  each
candidate  will  be  placed  on  the  website  of  the  Kirkee  Cantonment
3) The Admit Cards of the eligible candidates only will be sent by post on the address given by the candidates.
4) Any corrigendum/change regarding the examination will only be notified through the website of Kirkee Cantonment Board and no other medium
of giving information to candidates will be incorporated.
5)         The exact date of the Written Test will also be updated on the website.
6)         Written and Skill Test shall be held at Kirkee (Pune).


1) The candidate should not have been convicted by any court of law. Also no Disciplinary/Vigilance case should be contemplated/pending against the candidates already serving in Govt Organisation.
2)         The vacancies advertised are provisional and likely to be permanent. In
case the vacancy position is reduced to any number, the Board is not liable to compensate the applicant for any consequential damage/loss.
3) No representation on any grounds for non-appearance for the written test/skill   test  by  the  candidates  will   be  entertained  and  his/her
candidature will not be considered in such an eventuality.
4)         The candidates should scrupulously follow the instructions given by the
Center-in-charge, Invigilators and all examination functionaries at every stage of exam. If a candidate violates the instructions, his/her candidature will be cancelled.
In  case  of  any  guidance  /information/clarification  regarding  their  application candidature etc. candidates can contact on following -
Email ID-    ( Office Contact No:- 020-25819120/ 25820123

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