Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), is a premier research and development Centre under the Department of Atomic Energy. It is dedicated to the development of fast reactor technology and associated fuel cycle facilities based on intense multi-disciplinary research. IGCAR is empowering young, talented and motivated students to contribute towards advanced research in frontier areas of engineering/science/technology by offering Junior Research Fellowships in the areas of physical, chemical and engineering sciences. IGCAR, Kalpakkam is a constituent Institution of Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), a deemed to be University of the Department of Atomic Energy.
Applications are invited from interested students of Indian Nationals for the award of Junior Research
Fellowships at IGCAR, Kalpakkam.
Category – B:
a) M.Tech./M.E in Nuclear Engineering / Nuclear Science & Technology
b) M.Tech. in Atmospheric Science/Climate Science and Technology
Category – C:
B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engg./B.Sc. [Tech.] in any one of the following disciplines (criteria for exemption from written
test are given in section 4).
• Chemical Engineering
• Computer Science and Engineering
• Electrical and Electronics Engineering
• Metallurgical Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering
Category – D:
Candidates with M.E./M.Tech.
i. Admission to M.E./M.Tech. should be on the basis of a valid GATE score (A certificate from the institution
to the effect that admission to M.E./M.Tech. programme was based on the GATE score should be submitted at the time of interview).
ii. The GATE Score should be in the appropriate GATE Paper for any one of the disciplines mentioned under
Category-C, Physics or Chemistry.
iii. Should have B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engg./ B.Sc. [Tech.] degree in any one of the disciplines listed under
Category C or M.Sc. (Physics or Chemistry)
iv. Candidates who joined M.E./M.Tech. without a valid GATE score, should appear for the written test.
Candidates with the following qualifications are NOT eligible to apply
i. Bachelors degree in Aerospace, Automobile, Production, Industrial Production, Reliability, Ceramics, Architecture, Geology, Mining, Bio-Medical Engineering, Bio-Medical Electronics/ Instruments, Communication, Information Technology, Dyes & Dye Intermediates, Electrochemical, Energy Systems, Oils & Fats, Paints & Varnishes, Petrochemicals, Plastics, Paper, Sugar Technology, Textiles & Mechatronics.
ii. B.Tech. degree in Chemical Engineering under the category of petroleum, polymer, sugar, oil, soap technology, etc.
iii. Master of Computer Applications & M.Sc. in Computer Science.
iv. Candidates with M.Sc./Integrated M. Sc. in Particle physics, Electronics, Astrophysics, Geophysics,
Biophysics & Medical Physics.
v. M.Sc. in Polymer, Medicinal, Pharmaceutical, Bio chemistry, Environmental and Industrial Chemistry.
Applications will be scrutinized and suitability of candidates will be decided on the basis of their degree, academic record / GATE/JEST scores. The cut off scores (GATE/JEST) to be eligible for direct interview will be decided by IGCAR. Short listed suitable candidates under different qualification categories will be further selected based on the cut off WRITTEN TEST and INTERVIEW or DIRECT INTERVIEW.
Written Examination will be held on 04/12/2022 at Chennai only. The results of written test will be declared on the same day. Interview of the candidates who qualify in the written test will be held at IGCAR Kalpakkam from 05/12/2022 onwards.
A summary scrutiny of the application/credentials would be carried out for short-listing of the candidates for the written test and a more detailed scrutiny of the credentials leading to the eligibility of the candidate would be done at the final stage of the selection process.
Category A: Those candidates who had secured the prescribed marks in the qualifying degree and in addition are satisfying any of the following conditions would be exempted from the written test based on cut off marks decided by IGCAR:
i. With valid UGC-CSIR-NET Fellowship (SLET/ Lecturership is not eligible)
ii. With valid JEST score
iii. With a valid GATE score after Master’s degree
Category B: Candidates who had scored the prescribed marks in the qualifying degree will have to appear for the written test and those short listed based on written test will be called for an interview.
Category C: Candidates with the prescribed marks in the qualifying degree and with a valid GATE score above the cut off (decided by IGCAR) are eligible to appear directly for the Interview (exempted from written test). Also, the candidates with valid JEST score and with eligible engineering disciplines listed as above are also eligible to appear directly for interview.
Category D: Candidates who have joined M.E./M.Tech. via valid GATE (eligible discipline and valid GATE score as mentioned above in Category-A (Physics, Chemistry) & Category-C) are exempted from written test. Other eligible candidates will have to appear for a written test in the discipline in which graduation degree was obtained.
Candidates shortlisted based on the written test or based on the above criteria will be called for an interview.
At the time of submission of application, candidates should clearly indicate the details of qualifying examinations (GATE/UGC-CSIR-NET/JEST) listed as above for consideration of application and submit the proofs at the time of document verification. Candidates will be shortlisted for written test and Direct Interview based on the inputs given and scores provided in the qualifying exam in the application form. Under no circumstances this will be changed later.
The Selection Interview for all the shortlisted candidates (those who qualify in the written test as well as for those qualified for DIRECT interview) will be conducted in person at IGCAR Kalpakkam from 05/12/2022. The recommendation / decision of the Selection Committee will be final and binding.
i. Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility conditions mentioned in the advertisement. Candidates should ensure that they fill in the correct information. Furnishing of incomplete, false or misleading information shall render the application liable to be rejected. The candidate would be admitted to various stages of the recruitment process based on the information furnished by the candidate in his/her application. Only a summary scrutiny of the application would be made before the final stage of the recruitment process and detailed scrutiny of the credentials leading to the eligibility of the candidate would be done only at the final stage of the recruitment process. As such, the candidature of the applicant shall remain provisional till detailed scrutiny is undertaken and the candidate is found eligible in all respects. IGCAR would be at liberty to reject any application at any stage of the recruitment process if the candidate is found ineligible for the post or if it comes to notice that the candidate has furnished false information. The decision of IGCAR shall be final in deciding the eligibility of the candidate. The mere fact that a call letter has been issued to the candidate and allowed to appear in the written exam/interview will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared or that entries made by the candidate in his/her application have been accepted as true and correct.
ii. Age, qualification, validity of GATE/JEST/CSIR-UGC-NET, community status, creamy layer status will be reckoned as on the closing date for submission of application.
iii.Those who are in employment under any Central/State Govt./Public Sector Undertakings/Corporations/ Local Govt. etc. should submit a No Objection Certificate from the employer at the time of verification of the documents before interview.
iv. SC/ST/OBC (clearly indicating Creamy Layer status) certificate should be as per the format prescribed for employment in Government of India.
v.The original certificates / documents of the candidates will be verified at the final stage of the selection process. The shortlisted candidates must bring all original certificates of educational qualifications, date of birth, caste certificate in the prescribed format, disability certificate in respect of PWD candidates, No Objection Certificate if in regular employment under any Central/State Govt./Public Sector Undertakings/Corporations/ Local Govt. etc. and GATE/UGC-CSIR-NET/JEST fellowship, as applicable.
vi.The list of candidates selected for the award of Junior Research Fellowship will be displayed on the IGCAR
website ( The selected candidates will also be informed by their registered e-mail.
vii.The final induction of the selected candidates as JRFs will be subject to production of all necessary documents in original during the Document Verification and being found Medically Fit by the Medical Superintendent, DAE Hospital, Kalpakkam.
viii.Accommodation will be provided on nominal charges for a period of 48 hours from Check-In at DAE Township, Kalpakkam only for those candidates shortlisted for Personal Interview.
ix.The number of fellowships indicated in this advertisement is approximate and may vary as per the requirement at the time of final selection. IGCAR reserves the right not to fill up the fellowships if it so desires. IGCAR reserves the right to screen and call only such candidates as are found prima – facie suitable for being considered by the Selection Committee. Thus, just fulfilling the prescribed conditions should not entitle one to be called for interview.
x.Candidates who are NOT meeting the mentioned qualification NEED NOT apply.
xi.The fellowship shall not confer any claim or right for regular employment at IGCAR or any Unit of
Department of Atomic Energy.
xii.The period of service rendered as research fellow will not be counted in any post of DAE / Other Government
xiii.Admission shall not be claimed by any candidate as a matter of right. The admission shall be entirely at the discretion of the Selection Committee, which may refuse to admit any candidate without assigning any reason thereof.
xiv.No correspondence whatsoever form will be entertained from candidates regarding reason for not being called for interview/outcome of interview.
xv.Candidates are advised to read the advertisement carefully. Frequent enquiries/representations made in any correspondence without reading the full content of the advertisement will not be entertained.
Applicants should fill online application form available at IGCAR website and take a printout of filled in application after final submission of data. Applicant should affix recent passport size photo on the print out and sign at the place marked for signature. Self-attested copy of necessary documents should be enclosed along with the printout. The signed printout of the application form along with the documents should be sent by Post (Registered or Speed post of Indian Postal service) to the following address so as to reach IGCAR on or before
The Assistant Personnel Officer [R] Recruitment Section
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
Kancheepuram District Kalpakkam – 603 102. Tamil Nadu
Superscribe the envelope: “JRF, Advt. No. IGCAR/01/2022” & also clearly indicate the "Discipline" on the envelope
In addition to the above, the scanned copy of application along with all the relevant documents shall be sent to email id on the same day itself.
Applicants are advised to visit the website of IGCAR ( regularly for getting updates during the selection process.
No Correspondence / Admit Card will be sent by post to the candidates. The proforma of the Admit Card for appearing for the written examination will be published in the IGCAR website The candidates are requested to do the following:
i. Download and print the Admit Card from the IGCAR website
ii. Affix the recently taken passport size photograph on the space provided. iii. Put the signature on the space provided.
iv. Also bring photo identity proof in original for verification, preferably those issued by government.
The selected candidates are eligible to join the Contributory Health Service Scheme (CHSS) of this Centre as applicable.
The Selected candidates will be provided with subsidized bachelor Hostel Accommodation during the tenure.
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