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Applications,  through   online  mode  are  invited  from  the  applicants   who are   domiciled   in   the   Union   Territory    of   Jammu   &   Kashmir    possessing   the prescribed  Academic  /Professional  qualification  and  age for the post  of Veterinary Assistant  Surgeon,  in  terms  of the  "Jammu  & Kashmir    Sheep  Husbandry   (Gazetted) Service Recruitment  Rules,  1987  issued vide  SRO-119  dated 06.03.1987 read with amendments   notified  vide  SRO-547  dated  10.12.2018  and  the Jammu  & Kashmir Public Service Commission  (Business  and Procedure)  Rules, 2021, as amended  up• to -date.

The aspirants  who have applied against advertisement Notification No.  26• PSC(DR-P) of 2022  dated 20.12.2022,  and are eligible/  within the prescribed age limit as  on 01.01.2023, need not apply again in this notification.
5. Reservation
1.A candidate seeking his/her  consideration  under  Reserved Categories must    ensure    that   he/she    possesses   a   valid    requisite    Category certificate  on the cut-off date of filing the application  forms.
11.   The   candidature    of   the   candidates   shall    be   provisional    till    the
genuineness   of  the  reserved  category  certificate   is  verified   by  the
Appointing Authority.
iii. Candidates  may note that in case a claim for reservation is made on the
basis of false/fake/fraudulent certificate, he/she  shall be debarred from the examination(s)  conducted by the J&K Public Service Commission,  in
addition to any other penal action as may be deemed appropriate.
6.  Domicile
The candidate should be a Domicile  of the Union  Territory  of Jammu  & Kashmir. The candidate must possess the Domicile Certificate issued by the Competent Authority  in the prescribed  format as on the last date prescribed for submission  of online application form. 
7.      Requisite Fee
After  successful  submission   of the online  application   form,  candidate will  be required  to deposit requisite  fee through online  mode. The amount of fee to be paid is given below: 
General Category   = Reserved Categories      = PHC Candidates                  =
(i)     The application  Form submitted without  deposition  of the fee, which gets substantiated  through reflection of the same on the application form, shall    be   treated   as   incomplete    and   candidature    of   such candidate  shall be deemed to have been rejected without  any notice. No representation against such rejection shall be entertained.
(ii)      Submission   of  multiple   applications    by  way   of  prefixing   Mr/Ms or     through  generation  of  multiple  User  ID's or  any  other  mode, followed  by either non-payment  of fee particulars  or fee particulars (TIO) of one application  (RID) being mentioned against another application  with a different RID would  lead to rejection of the online application. The applicants  who are submitting  multiple  applications should  note that  only  the  applications   with  higher  Registration  ID (RID)  number  shall  be entertained  by the Commission  and fee paid against  one RID shall  not be adjusted against any other RID  number. Besides, a strict disciplinary action including  the cancellation of candidature  and debarment from appearance  in future examinations of J&K PSC will  be taken against such applicants.
8.    Documents to be mandatorily uploaded
While  filling   the  online  application   form,  the  applicant(s)  are  required  to mandatorily  upload the following  documents alongwith the online application form:•
i)        Date  of Birth  Certificate  (Secondary  School/Matric  certificate)-  1  leaf ii)       Domicile  Certificate-  1  leaf
iii)     Category  certificate  (If claiming  benefit under that category)= leaf
iv)       B.V  Sc & A.H  Degree  certificate  alongwith  the consolidated  Marks Cards-upto  5    leaves v)      Disability  certificate  (  if claiming  benefit for the same)
It  may  be  noted  that   the   Requisite  Documents  uploaded  by  the 
candidates must be issued  before the prescribed cut of date of filling of the application forms and that no further opportunity shall be provided to upload any document and action under rules including rejection of application form/candidature  etc.  will  be  taken without any  further notice.
9.    Scheme of selection
(a)        Each question will  be followed by four (a,b,c,d)  answer  options. The candidate  will  have to encircle/blacken  the option  he/she  thinks  is right/correct on the OMR answer sheet with blue/black ball pen.
(b)    There will  be negative marking  for incorrect answers for all questions as detailed below:•
(i)       There are four options for the answer to  every   question.  For  each question for which wrong answer has been given  by the  candidate, one-fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that  question will  be deducted as penalty; 
(ii)     If the candidate  gives more than one answer,  it will be treated   as a wrong answer even if one of the given  answers  happens  to be correct
/   and there will be same penalty  as above for that question;
(iii)     If a question  is left black i.e no answer  is given by the candidate,  there
will be no penalty  for that question.
10.   It is further notified that:
i)    No. of questions shall be 120 out of which 100 shall be on the subject matter (asper syllabus) and 20 questions  on General Knowledge.
ii)  Papers shall be in English.
11.   The Syllabus for the Written Examination shall be notified separately.
12.   Centre of Examination
I.The examination will  be held at Srinagar & Jammu  Centres. All the candidates shall indicate the option for examination  centre as indicated above.
II.       The allotment  of centres shall be the sole discretion of the Commission and once a centre is allotted to a candidate, request for a change of centre will  not be entertained.
III.       Information  about the Examination  indicating  the time table and Centre  of
Examination  for the candidates will be uploaded on the website of the
Commission about two weeks before the scheduled date of examination.  If any candidate  does not find his/her Roll Number on the website of the Commission,  one week before the date of examination,  he/she  must immediately contact the Commission's  Office at Srinagar/Jammu,  with proof of having  submitted his/her application.  Failure to do so will  deprive him/her of any claim for consideration.
IV.        Candidate  must submit his/her online application  form, Email ID  and Mobile  Number along with his/her Name,  Date of Birth and Name of the Examination,  while addressing any communication  to the Commission. Communication  from the candidates not furnishing these particulars  shall not be entertained.
V.        Admit Cards will be available  for downloading  about two weeks before the date of examination  on the official website of the Commission  i.e.  Candidate must bring legible printout  of the Admit Card/Roll Number Slip to the Examination  Hall.
VI.       For securing entry into the centre of examination,  in addition to the Admit
Card/roll  Number Slip,  it is mandatory to carry at least two passport size recent colour photographs  (not taken earlier than 01.01.2021) and any of the  valid  Photo-Id proof in original  such as:
1. Aadhar  Card/ E-Aadhar,
11. Voter's   ID Card,
iii.   Driving License,
iv.    PAN  Card,
v.    Passport,
vi.  School /College/University I- Card
vu.    Employer  ID Card.
13.   Provision of Compensatory Time and Assistance of Scribe
(i)  On request of  Locomotor Disability candidates,   who is handicapped to the extent  that  he/she   is  not  able  to  write   the  candidate   shall   be  provided assistance of an amanuensis  (Scribe)  on production  of a Disability Certificate issued  by  the   Medical  Board   constituted  by the  Government  consisting  of CMO   of the  District  and  at  least  two  Medical  specialists   nominated  by  the concerned Director Health Services (with at least one specialists from the field 
concerned).  The scribe  should have at least one qualification  below  than the requirement  for the post applied  for by the candidate(s)  and further  should be  from an academic  stream  different form that stipulated  for the post. The scribe shall  be paid  remuneration  charges by  the Commission  equivalent  to the honorarium  paid to the  Invigilator.
The concerned  Supervisor  shall  ensure that the scribe  provided  to the candidate  on the day of examination  shall  not extend any type of help to the candidate in solving  the questions.
(ii)     Compensatory time  of 20 minutes  per  hour  shall  be permitted  for the visually  impaired  (Blind) candidates and candidates with Locomotor Disability and  Cerebral  Palsy  where  dominant  (writing)    extremity   is  affected  to  the extent of slowing  the performance  or function (minimum of 40% impairment)
as certified by a Standing Medical Board.
a.     Candidates  are  required  to  apply   online  through  the  website  of the Commission i.e   No other means/ mode of application  shall be accepted.
b. Candidates  are  first  required   to  go  to  the  JKPSC  website and click on the link  "One Time  Registration"  or click
on Login menu if you have already created your profile with the JK PSC. c.   After logging  into your  account,  candidates  are required  to fill  all the
requisite fields of One Time Registration (OTR)  i.e. personal information, contact information  & educational  qualification,  service details etc.
d.    The   candidate   shall   also  be  required   to  upload   the  image   of  date
stamped   recent  passport   size color  photograph   and   signature.   The photograph  should not be taken earlier than 01.01.2023.
e.     Size of the photograph  (passport  size)  and signature  must be between
l0kB  to 20kB  in *.jpeg or *.jpg only.
f.     After successful submission of all the details in your OTR account,  check the eligibility conditions as mentioned in the advertisement  notification before applying for the post.
g.    Click   on  the   "show   examination"    as  shown   against   the  respective
post/examination you want to apply.
h.    On  Clicking on the "show  examination"  a window  will  appear  on your computer screen. Select the month of the advertisement  notification  for
which  you  want  to apply,  a link(s)  for the  post(s)  will  appear  on the computer screen.
i.      An   "APPLY"   button   is  shown   against   the   respective  ·post   and   the
candidates  will   click  on the APPLY button  against  the  post  he/she  is eligible.
j.     On    clicking    "APPLY"   button,   an   instruction    window   will    appear.
Candidates    should    read   instructions    carefully    before   clicking    on
"APPLY" button at the bottom of the webpage.
k.    On clicking  "APPLY" button, the system will  display  all facts/particulars that  a  candidate  may  have  mentioned  while   filling   up  the  necessary fields  of  his/her   OTR  account.  Candidate   shall  fill  up  the  remaining
required   fields   in  the  application   form   and   accept  the  declaration
I. Once  the  candidate   is  satisfied  about  the  correctness of the  filled  in details, then, he or she may click on "SUBMIT" button to finally push the
data into server with successful submission report.
m.   On  successful  submission   of the  basic  details,  the  candidates  will  be required to pay the online fee and uploading  of the documents,  for final submission of the online application  form. 
n.     Candidates   can  pay  the  requisite   fee  through  online   mode  in  the
"SUBMITTED APPLICATIONS"  menu in your account.
o.    After successful payment of the fee, the fee status will  get reflected on the  Online  Application  form.  Candidates  can  check the  fee status by clicking  on the Print Application  Button  in the submitted Applications menu in your JKPSC  account. In case the payment status shows either
•"not submitted or under processing or status has not been reflected on your submitted application  form", candidates(s)  are  advised to contact
the   JKPSC    office   at   Solina   Srinagar/Re sham   Ghar    Colony   Jammu immediately   for  clarification.    Further  where   the  online  fee  is  paid through other service providers the candidate must ensure that not only the amount  of fee is debited from his/service  provider's  Account but also credited into the official account of JKPSC.
p.    The  candidate  would  be  able  get the  printout  of  his/her  submitted application  only after the payment of the requisite fee and uploading of
requisite  documents  viz  Date  of Birth   Certificate,  Degree  Certificate, Category Certificate and Domicile Certificate.
q.     The JKPSC  will  not undertake  detailed scrutiny  of applications  for the
eligibility   and  other  aspects  at  the  time  of written  examination  and therefore,  candidature will be accepted only provisionally. The candidates are  advised to go  through the requirements of educational
qualification,  age, etc.   and satisfy themselves that they are  eligible for the post(s).  Copies  of supporting documents  will  be sought at the time of   document   verification.   When   scrutiny   is   under   taken,   if   any claim   made in the application  is not found substantiated by proof,  the
candidature  will  be cancelled and the Commission's  decision  shall be final and binding  in this regard.
r. Please  note  that the above  procedure is the only  valid  procedure  for applying.   No    other  mode  of  application   or  incomplete   application forms  would be accepted and such applications would be rejected.
15.     Editing of the online application form
Candidates  who have successfully submitted the online application form along with requisite  fee will  be allowed to edit some of the fields in their submitted online  application   form  within   three  days  after  the  cut-of  date   i.e   from
01-05-2023to  03-05-2023.  Detailed  instructions in this regard will be made available on the website.
16.     Action against candidates found guilty of misconduct
Candidates  are advised  that they should not furnish any particulars  that are false or suppress any material information.
A candidate who is, or has been, declared by the Commission,  to be guilty of:
1.   obtaining  wrongful support of his/her  candidature by any means, or
11.    impersonating,  or
iii.    procuring impersonation by any person, or
iv.      submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with or
v.       making statements which are incorrect,  or false or suppressing material information,   or
vi.    resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her  candidature for the selection,  or
vii.  using unfair means during the test, or
viii.    writing irrelevant matter including obscene language  or pornographic matter  in the script(s),  or
ix.    misbehaving in any other manner in the examination  hall, or
x.  harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the
Commission  for the conduct of the test, or 
xi.  attempting to commit or,  as the case may be, abetting the commission of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing  clauses may, in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution shall be liable;
(a)   to be disqualified by the Commission  from selection for which he/she  is a candidate,  and/or
(b)   to be debarred either permanently or for a specified period:-
1By the Commission  from any examination  or selection held by them.
11.  By the Union Territory Government from any employment under them, and
(c)   if he/she  is already  in service under  Government,  disciplinary action can be taken against him/her under the appropriate rules.
1.     Financial   Commissioner/Additional  Chief  Secretary  to  Government,  Animal/Sheep
Husbandry and Fisheries Department Civil  Secretariat, Jammu/Srinagar.
2.     Director,  Information  Department J&K.  He is requested to publish  the Notification  in all the leading local dailies  of the Union Territory of J&K,  for at least three consecutive
days and furnish  the same to this office for record purpose.
3.    P.S.   to  Chairman,   J&K  Public  Service  Commission   for  information   of the  Hon'ble
4.     P.S. to Member
for information.
  , J&K PSC for information  of Hon'ble Member 
5.      Controller  of  Examination,  J&K  Public  Service  Commission  for  information   of the
Controller of Examination.
6.   In charge website, J&K Public Service Commission for uploading  of the Notification on the website for wider  publicity.
7.   Notice Board, J&K Public Service Commission, Srinagar/Jammu for information  of the aspirants
8.     Stock file/Main file.

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